Why should I hire a consultant?

The cost of a consultant may seem high, but on a ranch it only takes an extra two calves a year to pay for our most expensive consulting option. On a farm with 1000 acres of cropland, one additional bushel per acre of corn will pay for our most expensive option twice over.  How expensive is consulting compared to a new piece of equipment? Your fuel bill? Your fertilizer or chemical bill? What if the advice you receive during a consultation shows you how to dramatically reduce what you have to pay for those other inputs, while simultaneously increasing production? 

The most valuable asset you have on a farm or ranch is your own brain. The biggest expense you can have is land that is not producing to capacity. A consultation with Regenerative Wisdom can provide your brain with information and skills so that you can make decisions for the rest of your life that can make your land more productive and more profitable each and every year going forward.  

Farming and ranching are high stakes games now, with often ultra-thin profit margins and precious little room for error. Even a moderate sized grain or livestock farm will often generate over a million dollars of gross revenue, with a hope of retaining a little of that themselves after paying all their input costs so they can survive until next year.  Good advice that prevents expensive mistakes can pay for itself many times over.

A consultation with Regenerative Wisdom is not “someone telling you what to do”. It is an education.